My first week at work

New job, new adventures
When you start a new job it is very important to show the best of yourself.
As a result of what I just wrote in my first days at work (an American internet based company) I had some troubles.
1) after 2 days of intense training I lost all the slides and notes in one of the hundreads meeting rooms of the company. These papers were very important for my trip to Milan.
2) my boss told "please book a flight to Milan in 5 minutes time", I took 2 days, basically I booked the flight at 11am and I was at the airport at 4pm! Same day.
3) If I ever were President of the EU I would suggest that plugs in the continent must be the same. I left London with my laptop but when I arrived in Milan I realized that I did not have an Italian plug. As I had to start working immediately somebody replace my UK power cable (with the transformer) supply with an Italian one. When I left the office I forgot to change cables, so I went to London with my Italian cable. The UK one is still in Milan!
4) I edit the Italian website but in my first day I started editing in the UK website. Somebody obviously noted that there was something in Italian in a!
.....Speriamo che la mia fase di "una cazzata al giorno" finisca subito così posso raccontartele senza arrossire. Ieri per esempio mi sono messo a scrivere sul sito UK in italiano! adesso sono l'unico ad avere l'accesso solo al sito italiano...Mi hanno chiamato a parte in una sala per comunicarmi che avevo sbagliato, volevo sprofondare....La piu' simpatica è la storia del cavo. Arrivo a Milano ma non ho la presa italiana per il mio laptop. Mi trovano una soluzione ma lascio la presa inglese a Milano e arrivo a Londra con la presa italiana!
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